This article describes how to use our newly developed EASE DLL software components in conjunction with ViewPoint to design and simulate Wavefront line array products. A comparison between simulated output and measured data is also presented. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with EASE and its operation.
DLL stands for ’Dynamically Linked Library.’ A DLL (.dll) file contains a library of functions and other information that can be accessed by a Windows program, in this instance EASE. From the users perspective an EASE DLL is just like any other speaker data file with the addition of setup dialog to control some array parameters. When using a DLL the responsibility for calculating the complex direct field sound pressure is transferred from EASE to the DLL. There are several reasons for wanting to do this.
Let’s consider a very simple implementation of a small line array system where we wish to cover a flat audience area directly in front of the array. ViewPoint is used to specify the venue details, restrictions of array placement and coverage limits. Splay angles are then determined for you (Fig 1). You can also check other important details regarding the array such as mechanical properties, which controller setting to use and how to patch your amp rack.
Direct SPL output on the venue plane is shown at a selection of frequencies. Note the the last seat position is a distance of 27m from the array confirming that the coverage stop parameter has been achieved.
Measurements of the above array were made to check the validity of the model used within the Dll. Microphones were placed in the seat positions shown in the results, the following figures show the measured (red) vs. predicted(blue) for these positions
EASE users now have a simple way to predict the output of MA line arrays with a high degree of accuracy.